The Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) in Ukraine has launched its BRDO School project offering training courses on various areas of state regulation. The first course starts on 20 February.
The BRDO is funded by the European Union within the framework of the FORBIZ project and the EU4Business Initiative, with the aim of simplifying the process of doing business and providing effective state regulation in key sectors of the economy.
As part of the BRDO School, anyone interested can apply on a competitive basis for special training courses regarding different areas of state regulation. The key areas of study are ‘Regulations Development’, ‘State Policy Analysis’, and ‘Regulatory Impact Analysis’.
Courses are delivered by BRDO experts and invited experts. They will explain theoretical foundations in simple terms and in an integrated manner, and will share their own practical experience, lifehacks and discuss cases.
The first course, on ‘Regulations Development’, will start on 20 February, 2018. To apply, you should register at: http://brdo.com.ua/projects/brdo-school/#tab_1
When passing the competition for the first course, priority will be given to:
1) state experts of the Directorates of Ministries;
2) civil servants of ministries’ departments;
3) civil servants of other CEBs;
4) representatives of expert and non-governmental organisations involved in normative design.
Funded by the European Union under the EU4Business initiative, the FORBIZ project supports Ukraine’s reform agenda and its economic recovery by proposing a systemic, smart change to a more business-friendly environment with a particular focus on SMEs. The project seeks to steer a shift in policy towards greater recognition of SMEs and the vital role they play in economic recovery, while addressing the challenge of reducing regulatory burden and lessening risk for businesses.