The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) deployed a record amount of nearly €2.4 billion in Ukraine in 2024, following a €2.1 billion total in 2023.
The EBRD, Ukraine’s biggest institutional investor, substantially raised investment in Ukraine after the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022, making a total of nearly €6.2 billion available to Ukraine in wartime.
The EBRD prioritises support for energy security, vital infrastructure, food security, trade and the private sector in its work in Ukraine, counting both investments and trade finance in its deployed figure.
In 2024, the EBRD deployed a record €833 million of financing via partner financial institutions in Ukraine, including €472 million to support trade finance under its Trade Facilitation Programme. Portfolio risk sharing remained the main instrument for the EBRD to deliver finance to Ukrainian businesses, with the EBRD remaining the leading provider of such guarantee facilities in the country.
“I would like nothing more than for 2025 to be a year of reconstruction. This is where the EBRD can be at its best – using our financing knowledge and experience to build back better,” said EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso.
Among the highlights of EBRD work in Ukraine in 2024 were a highly innovative war risk insurance guarantee scheme designed to support trade despite the conflict; participation in a US$435 million telecoms deal that is bringing the country its biggest foreign direct investment in wartime; private-sector finance for postal services to Nova Post, pet food to Kormotech and bionic prosthetics to Esper Bionics; work on reintegrating war veterans into the economy, and major lending to the energy, infrastructure, banking and municipal sectors.