The results of business inspections will be available online from now, as part of an online inspection platform created by the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) in Ukraine, supported by the EU4Business initiative.
The results of 128 inspections, conducted during January 2018 have been uploaded onto the Integrated Computerized System of State Monitoring (Control). The first government services to have uploaded the results of inspections were the State Service of Ukraine on Labour, and the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine. Right after them, the results of inspections were uploaded by the State Environmental Inspectorate Ukraine, State Fisheries Agency Of Ukraine, National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities, Pension Fund of Ukraine, State Inspectorate of Ukraine for Energy Supervision, State Archive Service of Ukraine.
The new platform provides:
- all inspection plans online
- all regulations and business requirements for inspections in one place
- all results of inspections, sanctions and appeal results online
The BRDO is funded by the European Union within the framework of the FORBIZ project and the EU4Business Initiative, with the aim of simplifying the process of doing business and providing effective state regulation in key sectors of the economy.
FORBIZ supports Ukraine’s reform agenda and its economic recovery by proposing a systemic, smart change to a more business-friendly environment with a particular focus on SMEs. The project seeks to steer a shift in policy towards greater recognition of SMEs and the vital role they play in economic recovery, while addressing the challenge of reducing regulatory burden and lessening risk for businesses.