Ukraine: find out which ministries score highest for transparency

Ukraine: find out which ministries score highest for transparency

Between 7 and 25 October, the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) in Ukraine reviewed the work of 61 central executive authorities in relation to disclosure of their activities, public information and access to open databases. The study is conducted on a regular basis within the framework of a public dialogue of the EU4Business / FORBIZ project, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the regulatory environment.

The results of the study were used to compile the government’s transparency rating. The object of analysis was the official websites of various government authorities.

The methodology of the analysis consists of five parts

  • disclosure of basic information about the authority and its activities;
  • access to regulatory acts and open databases;
  • financial reporting and anti-corruption;
  • disclosure of information on communication with civil society and expert environment;
  • technical features of sites.

On November 29, BRDO presented the results.

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine came out top in the ‘Government Transparency. 2.0’ rating.

Lagging behind on transparency and accessibility of information were the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine and Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

The general percentage of the Government's transparency is 66%. It has improved by 19% since the first rating in January 2017.

"Attention to the web sites of ministries is not accidental, because they should be the tool for obtaining information from the primary source and a platform for dialogue with the public and business," the Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communication, and Head of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, Natalia Oksha said

For complete information about the analysis and the full rating, go to

Funded by the European Union under the EU4Business initiative, the FORBIZ project supports Ukraine’s reform agenda and its economic recovery by proposing a systemic, smart change to a more business-friendly environment with a particular focus on SMEs. The project seeks to steer a shift in policy towards greater recognition of SMEs and the vital role they play in economic recovery, while addressing the challenge of reducing regulatory burden and lessening risk for businesses. 


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