EU Support for Ukrainian MSMEs

Project Objectives

The overall objective of the Action “EU Support for Ukrainian MSMEs” is to foster the recovery of the Ukrainian economy by supporting rebuilding of Ukrainian businesses and companies damaged by the ongoing war, caused by the Russian aggression. Credits supported within the Action are offered to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The companies selected for financial support are assessed based on their potential to rebuild their business activities, thanks to the resources received. With help of the guarantee, KredoBank is able to finance more MSME customers which, in the current circumstances, would not be able to get an investment or working capital loan.

The specific objective of the Action is improving MSMEs’ ability to sustain their operations and development plans despite the war. This is achieved by setting a specific focus for the instrument, which includes:

  1. Increased number of MSMEs benefiting from the loan in the red and yellow zones (regions situated in close vicinity to hostilities and 100 km from them or 50 km from boarders of the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Transnistria or regions which have been destroyed, but not critically);
  2. Increased AGRI loan portfolio volume;
  3. Reduced average collateral requested in a loan agreement (to allow application from companies which suffered asset damage and loss due to the war).

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