Useful resources

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is a global international network that aims to facilitate the establishment of business contacts globally.

EEN Ukraine provides a number of advisory and information services to Ukrainian business representatives:

- Promotion of innovative products and technologies of Ukrainian companies to prospective business partners, licensees, or customers on the world market.
- Search for necessary products, technologies or knowledge.
- Search for business partners, research partners, and partners for other projects.

Ukraine joined EEN in June 2017 through the creation of the EEN-Ukraine consortium. This was enabled by the COSME program, which is financed by the European Commission and promotes competitiveness and innovative development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as innovative organizations. The consortium includes research organizations, business representatives, and government institutions.
Erasmus is a cross-border exchange program that gives young entrepreneurs an opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge from experienced entrepreneurs who own small businesses in other participating countries. In return, experienced entrepreneurs get an opportunity to learn about the prospects and new business ideas of young entrepreneurs, as well as start cooperation with foreign partners. Within the experience exchange program, young entrepreneurs may go to the host entrepreneur country for one to six months. The EU program “Erasmus for young entrepreneurs” is part of the EU COSME program. The participants stay is partially subsidized by the European Commission.
The Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine is an ambitious project funded by the European Commission to support initiatives within the European Union’s research and innovation programs and promote the participation of Ukrainian researchers and innovators in Horizon Europe.

In the context of its main goal — to foster cooperation, knowledge exchange, and synergy between Ukrainian researchers, innovators, and their European partners — the Office is a “guide” that opens access to the vast area of the EU research and innovations. Hence, the mission of the Office is to reveal the potential of Ukrainian researchers and form a society where science and innovations are based on the principles of sustainable environmental, economic, and social responsibility.

The Office promotes the participation of Ukrainian researchers and innovators in the program, ensuring the achievement of the following goals:

- sustainable development and resilience of research and innovative potential of Ukraine;
- support of a wide network between research and innovation institutions in Ukraine and the EU;
- deepening Ukraine’s integration into the European Research Area.
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