Local authorities in the six Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries are encouraged to apply for funding to help their cities lead economic growth and job creation in the region.
The Call for Proposals “Mayors for Economic Growth Pioneer Projects” targets those cities that already have a Local Economic Development Plan which is consistent with the initiative and outlined in the mayor for Economic Growth Concept.
Cities selected will become the pioneers of “Mayors for Economic Growth” by implementing pilot projects capable of showing how concrete actions included in their plans can be realised on the ground. These actions shall aim in particular to stimulate business development, improve the business environment and/or increase local access to finance.
A total of EUR 9.5 million is available for funding grant projects in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
Applications from consortia including non-state actors, such as SMEs and business associations are encouraged, as well as those from local authorities associated with their counterparts in the EU/EEA or other EaP or IPA countries. Actions directly targeting women and youth employment or entrepreneurship are also particularly welcome.
Concept notes for candidate projects must be submitted by the end of May 2017 and full proposals by the end of August 2017.
Find out more about the call.